Hart Elementary School PTO

Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions. 


Interested in open board positions? Contact us.


  • President - Libby Lauten
  • Vice President - Leanne Sills
  • VP Membership - Hayley Hangartner
  • VP Programs - Jennifer Derrick
  • VP Ways & Means - Rachel Butler
  • Secretary - Megan Stovall
  • Treasurer - Jordan Davis
  • Parliamentarian - Aubrey Stock
  • Student Activities - Shelby Shah
  • Environmental - Stephanie Strobl
  • Dad Programs - Preston Burkhalter
  • Safety Rep - Tricia Meehlhause
  • Cultural Arts/Fine Arts - Lesley Willis
  • Community - Lauren Ferrell
  • Council Rep - Rachel Speers
  • Faculty - Shannon Acosta
  • Hospitality - Taylor Bua
  • Legislative - Sarah Adams
  • Publicity - Jacqui Thomisee
  • Room Rep - Adele Rendon 
  • SAGE - Justine Hafner
  • Spiritwear - Heather Maddox & Hayley Coleman 
  • Technology - Elizabeth Roberson 
  • Volunteer Services - Kristin Paxton